
7.0.1 – Windows, Doors, and a Key

From the outside, our house is really a house now, complete with windows, doors, and a roof. Inside, it is still a shell, but that won’t last long. The internal walls should be going in, and we’ll soon be able to see how the rooms fit together.

7.0 – Windows, Doors, and Water Tight

With two invoices since our last visit, we expected windows and doors. What we found was much more. The house is now water tight and the garden is blooming.

5.0 – First Time Upstairs

The first floor has appeared. For the first time we got to see the views from our windows. This was only our fifth meeting with builder on-site.

1.2.1 – More Choices

Yesterday was a long a day. Lots of travelling; lots of decisions.

1.2 – Are French snakes dangerous?

We visit Moulins to pick doors, windows, and fittings for the house. Graham encounters a snake on the building site.