
7.0.1 – Windows, Doors, and a Key

From the outside, our house is really a house now, complete with windows, doors, and a roof. Inside, it is still a shell, but that won’t last long. The internal walls should be going in, and we’ll soon be able to see how the rooms fit together.

6.0.1 – Starting the Roof

Less than a week after our last house visit, we were back for a site meeting with the project manager. The roof trusses, which were waiting on site last week, are now up, and it is an amazing transformation.

6.0 – The Roof Begins

The roof has begun. We learn more than usual in our latest site meeting. Details about tiles, electrics, and the telephone connection all become clear.

5.2.2 – We Made It

After all our transport troubles, we didn’t get much time at the house this visit. As always, the progress continues, and we are excited afresh each time.